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Callan Lichtenauer

| Posted by Casey Margenau |

“Casey, you weren’t aware of it, but since the day we first sat down with you, you adopted us. 6 months ago I was completely intimidated by this Casey guy. After some guidance from John, and before I even spoke to him myself, Casey hugged me (pre pandemic) and said he’d be happy to help us with our first home. Casey always made time for us, always answered to our concerns, our calls and our texts. As first time home buyers we obviously had no idea what was going on the entire time, but Casey always walked us through everything and made sure we understood. It’s a misconception that he only does the big houses with the super important people of Northern Virginia, but he is awesome for the first time home buyer, and we can’t wait to sell this house so we have an excuse to spend time with him again.”

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